
My name is Kaloyan Petrov, I’m 20 years old and my dream is to design the cars of the future. I was born 2004 in Bulgaria and I have been into cars ever since. Right now I am a second Semester Transportation Design student in Hochschule Pforzheim, Germany.

 Here is more about my journey:

I have many sweet memmories from my childhood but my favorite were the ones when I was learning to draw cars. One of them for example was the drawing on the right – my first drawing in (let’s say) 3/4 front view. I was 6 at the time and I already had a dream to design cars, so this drawing gave me a world of confidence that I am one step closer.   

Back than I couldn’t imagine how much work I have to do to make my dream reality. I continued to learn how to draw and go to school and after I graduated middle school my parents connected me with one guy who told me about Pforzheim and the Bachelor Program for Transportation design there. 

I’ve decided that this is my next checkpoint. I went to a german high School in Sofia and started taking drawing classes. 5 years later, in 2023 I graduated and acquired C1 in German.

Next came the application for HS Pforzheim. My first try was unsuccessful but I didn’t stop there – I moved to Pforzheim to do a preparation course on site and after the second try I was IN. Next big step was finally done.  

And here I am now – a second semester student in one of the top Design universities in the world. Still with that burning passion in my heart and more motivated than ever.